Year 2 Seacole 2024 - 2025

Mrs Foy

Teacher: Miss Boyes

Teaching Assistants: Miss Baron & Mrs Blair

Welcome to Seacole Class!

Mary Seacole.jpegWe are named after Mary Seacole, a brave and determined lady who travelled across the world helping to care for soldiers during war times.  Mary lived more than 150 years ago and she was born in Jamaica.  Her mother was Jamaican and her father was Scottish, so Mary was mixed race. We will be learning lots more about her amazing life throughout the year together.

We will also be enjoying some other fantastic topics in Year 2 including learning about Failsworth, The Great Fire of London, Famous Nurses, Poles Apart and the United Kingdom.

In Science we will be learning about plants, materials, health, living things, habitats and lifecycles.

We encourage and support the children to read daily both in and out of school. The children will enjoy listening and sharing stories every day in class.  They will also continue to have access to a variety of online reading books using their log-in for Bug Club.

At South Failsworth Primary School a positive attitude to learning and good behaviour is celebrated using our reward system. Children are awarded mission merits for following the Steps to Success. Their learning and behaviour are also celebrated in class.

Nationally, children in Year 2 complete statutory assessments called SATs. These assessments will take place in May and will consist of maths, reading and spelling, punctuation and grammar (SPAG) tests. A meeting will be held later in the year where more information will be given about these assessments.

Important information

  • New spellings will be given out on Fridays and your child will bring home a sheet to practise these on.  Please try and practise these every day at home. The children will then be tested on these words the following Friday.
  • Children will be provided with two reading books which will be changed once a week. Books will be changed once they have been read and recorded in the Reading Record book. Please ensure your child has their reading book with them every day.
  • Children will also be expected to access Times Tables Rockstars regularly. By the end of Year 2, children are expected to know all of their 2, 3, 5 and 10 times tables and this is a fun and interesting way which aids their learning and helps their confidence grow!
  • Homework – children  can complete a project of their choice linked to an area of their learning. This is completed once every half term.
  • We would like all children to continue to come to school in their PE kits on the days when they have PE lessons in school.
  • At South Failsworth Primary School we use an app called Seesaw to communicate with parents. Throughout the year I will be uploading photos of the children’s learning and informing you of any important announcements.  

Thank you in advance for your support,

Miss Boyes

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