Key Skills

Key skills help children to improve their learning and performance at school and prepare them for future learning in work and in life. We believe that building these skills into and across our curriculum will help us to achieve our mission statement of ‘inspiring and creating lifelong learners.’


  • Speaking effectively for a range of audiences
  • Listening for understanding
  • Reading and writing

Application of Maths:

  • Apply maths skills to problems in other subjects and real-life situations


  • The ability to use a range of information sources and ICT tools for a range of purposes

Working with others:

  • Participate in and contribute to small group and whole class discussions
  • Social awareness and meeting the needs of others

Improving own learning and performance:

  • Children reflect on and evaluate their learning and identify ways in which they can improve
  • This key skill is supported by our marking and feedback policy. Children respond to teachers feedback and edit and improve their learning in green pen

Problem Solving:

  • Children develop skills and strategies to help them solve problems they face in learning and life