Comments, Suggestions & Complaints

Concerns or complaints

Our complaints policy is published on our website. We would like you to tell us about any concerns you or your child has about school. Everyone at South Failsworth school is committed to making your child’s time here a happy one and we will work in partnership with you to quickly and effectively address any issues that arise. We will treat all matters with confidentiality and sensitivity.

Your child’s class teacher can resolve most issues but where they cannot, they will refer your concerns to the Department Leader. In very rare cases, where the Department Leader is unable to deal with the matter, they will refer it to the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher.

What to do if you have a concern or complaint

You should first speak to your child’s class teacher who will usually be able to resolve the matter. The best time for this is at 3:30 p.m. when lessons finish. If you prefer, you can send a note into school or phone the office on 0161 681 6351 to ask for an appointment. Please be aware that teachers often attend meetings and courses after school. So if they are not available to speak to you because of this, they will do so as soon as they can.

Department Leader referral

In the unlikely event that the class teacher is unable to resolve the issue, they will refer it to the Department Leader. The Department Leader will discuss the matter with you and explore possible solutions. The Department Leaders are: Mrs Barker (Foundation Unit); Mrs Butler (Years 1 and 2) and Mrs Murray (Years 3, 4, 5 and 6). Issues around children with Additional Needs should be addressed with the SENDCo - Mrs Gorton.

Deputy Head or Head Teacher referral

It is very rare that the Department Leader cannot resolve an issue. If they cannot, they will refer the matter to the Deputy Headteacher or Headteacher who will arrange a meeting with you to discuss how the matter will be resolved.

Chair of Governors referral

Where a complaint has not been resolved through the procedures outlined above, you can write to the Chair of Governors to tell them what your complaint is. The Chair of Governors will carry out an investigation of the matter and will let you have a full reply in writing. If you need help putting your complaint in writing, the Local Authority will be able to help you. You can get their contact details from the school’s Business Manager, Mrs Nicki Cooper.

Appeals Committee

If you are still not satisfied with the Chair of Governor’s decision, you can appeal against it. In such cases, an independent Appeals Committee of Governors will then be asked to investigate the matter.

If you have a suggestion or compliment

We are always looking for ways to improve our school. If you have any thoughts on how we can do this, please contact the office on 0161 681 6351 to discuss the best way to pass on your suggestion or use our email account. We also carry out and publish the results of a parent survey each year. Suggestions from parents and families are always considered and respected, and acted on where possible.

Like everyone, we are always very pleased to receive compliments or hear success stories about your child.

Please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher at 3:30 p.m. If you prefer, you can send a note into school or phone the office on 0161 681 6351 or email us at