
For Foundation Unit Parents

Tapestry is an online learning journal that we use to inform parents of their child's learning in our Foundation Unit. It allows us to evidence and celebrate children's progress and share these events with you.

The app is secure and provides parents with access to their child's learning journey at the click of a button.

We use this facility to build strong partnerships with the parents of all our 98 children in Foundation Unit, allowing you an insight into their learning and play at school. It also provides parents with the opportunity to add observations from home and to comment and ask questions on the ones added by staff.

We update learning journeys on a daily basis. However, with 98 children this is obviously on a rolling programme, as this is not done during the school day.   The entries are monitored weekly so that all children’s journeys are given equal attention.

If you ever have any questions or concerns regarding your child progress then please discuss these with your child's teacher, or complete the online enquiry form on the website where a member of staff will get back to you with a response within 1 working day.

For more information about Tapestry, please visit their website.

We hope you enjoy the updates we send to you about your child's development.

With thanks,

The Foundation Team